Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Funky Heart's CHD BLOG CARNIVAL...How Does CHD Affect Me??

Funky Heart has asked the question , How a heart defect affects me? Well 2 years ago, my life was forever changed by a little 4 week old baby boy with a broken heart, my son Zeb. In all honesty before CHD touched our lives I did not know much or very little about heart defects. So this is how it has affected me:

1. I no longer take life for granted, every day is a gift.

2. I could now most likely teach a class on the heart, since I know
    more about the heart now than ever before.

3. I look at my son in amazement each day, and remember where God has
    brought him from and I am thankful.

4. I am always looking for purple fingernails and toenails.

5. I can’t bear to hear a helicopter overhead as it brings me back to
    that horrific day my tiny 4 week old baby boy was lifeflighted to
    MUSC to save his life.

6. Today, I hug my children a little tighter and hold them a little
    longer. It took almost losing 1 of them to realize that every moment is priceless so hold them
    a little longer today, the laundry or whatever can wait. Nothing is more important!

7. I find myself awake at night watching Zeb as he sleeps and making sure
    he is breathing and in the correct breathing pattern.

8. I no longer worry about my kids playing football, sports or being
   the best at their game, I am just Thankful they are here with me.

9. I want everyone I know to hear our story , not for sympathy, because I am
    BLESSED, but so they will know about CHD so they will spread awareness!!
   Everyone needs to know about CHD and the impact of it. SPREAD AWARENESS!

10. I now carry GermX everywhere with me. Just call me the GermX lady.

11. I completely 100% now believe in mother’s intuition and  I don’t hesitate
      to call the Doctor. They know me well. (SMILE)

12. I still cry every single time Zeb has to go in for his Cardiologist
      appointment because I don't think he should have to endure this and
      then I worry myself sick until the Dr. comes in to give the report,
     then I am so emotionally wiped out afterward, I am no good for the
     rest of the day. I can't help it I am just a mommy.

13. After each appointment, I realize how strong he is and that he is a
     FIGHTER. His CHD has made him stronger than I could have ever imagined
     and he is definately stronger than his Mommy.

14. I try to live each day for today and not for the what if and the when
      if Zeb will have to have _________. I can't even say it. I just have
     to pray and keep believing that God will completely heal Zeb's Heart
    and if he chooses not to and we have to face the fire, God will be
    with me to walk through it. He has been with us 2 times before. I have
    learned to TRUST GOD because when you are dealing with CHD and the life
    of your child or love one, it's all you got...HE is our HOPE.

15. CHD has completely changed me, how I feel, how I think, how I
      react, how I spend my time, how I greet each day, as well as the
      lives of my entire family. I could continue on for pages and pages
     of how CHD affects me, but the one think I know now without a doubt
     because CHD has touched my life through my child is this....
     I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!! I have a 2 year old living breathing,
     laughing, running, playing, all boy, precious, sweet, God given
    MIRACLE living in my house every day! I am so proud God chose ME to
    be his Mommy. He may have been born with a broken heart but he has
    captured the hearts of all who know him and I thank God for him!

                                               Zeb - 4 wks old @ MUSC

                                                  Sawyer "Zeb" Lyle - 2yrs old
                                           WE GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY!!!!!

Rhonda ~ ( Mom of Zeb, 2 - Critical Aortic Stenosis/Bicuspid Aortic Valve)

Hey all My CHD Moms/Family.....Check out  Adventures of a Funky Heart - and Contribute to his Blog Carnival.....


  1. I watch Lo sleep too! Its so amazing how much we heart mommies have in common! Thanks for all of your support! Love ya!

  2. Well said! CHD changes us in so many ways.

    Stef, Ryan, Wyatt and Logan

  3. thoughts exactly. We heart moms do have a lot in common!

    Big heart hugs,

  4. sounds exactly how CHD has changed my life! we heart mommys need to stick together! we will be there for you if and when Zeb needs ______! we will keep praying that day never comes.

  5. Beautiful!

    I watch my son sleep to...and then I pay for it when he wakes and I can't get him back to sleep, but I do it anyways! You sound so much like me. Nice to meet you.

    My son has blue fingers and toes about 60% of the time now.
