Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Moment that made my "Heart" Smile

There is not a day or even a minute that my son's heart defect is far from my mind. I will admit it, I worry alot. However, I pray daily that I inspire Zeb and all my children to be strong, not weak, to be bold, not shy, to know that they can do all things and be anything they want to be in life.  This is a great desire for me as a Mom to be their biggest cheerleader. To encourage them, to help them to see life as an opportunity, to embrace it.  

However, sometimes it is so hard to not hold on and not let go, especially with Zeb.  I can tell you that I am very protective of my children, and even more so of Zeb. I have to watch myself however because it would be so easy to convince him that he has limits on life. Even though,  YES he does have some medical/ physical limits, but he has no  limits on who he is or who he will become.  Will he be a NFL Football Star, most likely not, but can he be the coach..YOU BET!!  That is the mindset I have to keep each day.    I pray daily for all my children and I pray that I will encourage them.  I pray specifically for Zeb that he will not be defined as my broken heart, but for who he is. Yes we want him to be PROUD of where God has brought him from and  the miracle that he is.  I teach him not to be afraid of his scar, but to be proud of it.  We always tell him he has his heart zipper and  he is strong like Superman. (haha)  I can say I am not that strong. I have seen him go through more in his short life than I have in my 39 years and he is the strongest person I know. 

Sometimes in the quiet I will ask God...Am I doing this parent thing right? I didn't handle this so well today or yesterday, etc.  and then out of the blue you get the answer to your question in the least expected way.
Here is a conversation that Zeb and I had one evening this summer at the lake as we were walking on a rocky road. We both had on swim shoes.

Mommy:   "Ouch! Ouch! ...Wait Z let's stop a minute."
Zeb: "Why Mommy?"
Mommy:  "Because these rocks are really hurting my feet."
Zeb: "Why Mommy?"  *( he says why alot..LOL)
Mommy: " Mommys feet are very sensitive. These rocks are terrible. Are your feet not hurting???"
Zeb: " No Mommy, My feet don't hurt, I am superman"

I can say that made my heart smile and my day a little brighter.

Many Blesssings,

Your Always Super to me..Even when your Spider Man...
"Dreamnight at the Zoo" 


  1. Aww! So sweet! That sounds like God's way of telling you not to worry so much, Z's got this! :) He's a great combo...tough on the outside but oh, so sweet on the inside! :)


  2. Yes ARE superman! Great post Rhonda! I too have a hard time letting go with my kids. It is tough letting them grow up.

  3. Way to tell her Z! lol...You are indeed superman in many more ways than you think! You have an amazing mommy and she's doing good reminding you there's nothing you can't do, although I think you already know that. :-)Praying for you little man!

    With love from the ♥
